Committed to Helping Our Clients Succeed

General Litigation

General Litigation Lawyers Malaysia

General Debt Recovery

We guide our clients in recovering their debts, from conducting required background searches, issuing letters of demand to initiating/defending legal action in court. We also advise on the various modes of enforcement with a realistic outlook.

Garnishee Proceedings

Subsequent to debt recovery against individual or commercial entities, this proceeding assists in recovering monies owed from a judgment debtor’s bank account to satisfy the outstanding judgment sum.

Personal Injury

We assist clients in tortious claims arising out of employment accidents, motor vehicle accidents as well as injuries at public and private premises (occupiers liability).

Enforcement of Foreign Judgments

Enforcement of a foreign judgment via the initiation of a fresh suit in court to enforce such judgment. Foreign monetary judgments which fall within the ambit of REJA may, however, only be enforced via a registration under REJA.

Landlord & Tenant Dispute

We advise and act for landlords in disputes with their tenants. We have extensive experience with recovering arrears of rent and damages as well as evicting tenants. We also advise tenants in dealing with unreasonable landlords and who are deprived of their rights to peaceful enjoyment of their property.


Due to the volatile nature of defamatory claims, we provide tailored and thorough advise with our experience in initiating as well as defending such claims.

Election Petition

Copyrights, trademark, and invention related agreement.

Contempt Proceedings

In enforcing judgments, whether civil or criminal, this may result in imprisonment and fine(s).


Subsequent to debt recovery against companies, we assist in the winding up process for the purpose of liquidation.


Subsequent to debt recovery against individuals, we do the needful to declare bankruptcy to liquidate the assets. We are also able to assist in the discharge of bankruptcy.

Judgment Debtor Summons

Subsequent to debt recovery against individual or commercial entities, this assists in discovering the financial means of a debtor and to ascertain the arrangement to pay the judgment debt.

Private Nuisance

“A person who suffers interference with the enjoyment of his land or property due to the actions of another person can sue the wrongdoer to put an end to the interference (in the form of an injunction) and to also claim damages against that wrongdoer. The interference can be in various forms including noise, sight, smell, vibration, fumes, smoke, ashes, dust, debris or physical invasion or obstruction. The interference must be a result of a continuing state of affairs rather than a one-off incident”.

Specific Performance

We advise on this equitable relief granted by the Court to enforce contractual obligations between the parties. It is a remedy in performance as opposed to a claim sounding in damages for breach of contract where pecuniary compensation is granted as relief for failure to carry out the terms of the contract.

Prohibitory & Mandatory Injunctions

To safeguard your legal rights, we advise on prohibitory Injunction (to restrain a party from doing something) or mandatory injunction (to compel a party to do an act).

Third-Party Proceedings

As this is a time sensitive proceeding, we advise to oppose the application or defend a necessary procedure where a Defendant in an action has a claim for an indemnity or contribution from a third party.