Reinventing Legal Solutions

Practice Areas

Dinesh Mathan & Partners is a modern full service law firm in Malaysia, focusing in various fields of law. 

Our Expertise

General Litigation

We have vast experience and legal acumen in dealing with general litigation matters at all tiers of courts in Malaysia. Our lawyers have represented a broad spectrum of clients with claims arising out of their personal and commercial relationships.

Probate & Administration

A grant under the seal of the Court authorizing the executor or executors therein named to administer the testator's estate.

Corporate & Commercial Law

Drafting of General Corporate Agreements & Contractual Matters.

Construction, Engineering, Projects and Arbitration

We draft building, engineering and technology contracts, including service agreements and software development contracts. Our vast experience enables us to advise on disputes arising from such contracts as well as arbitration to resolve construction disputes.


Transfer legal title of real property from one to another.

Intellectual Property

Copyrights, trademark, and invention related agreement.

Employment Law & Industrial Relations

Representation and legal advisory services to both employees and employers in relation to employment and labour laws in Malaysia.

Family Law

Single or Joint Petition Divorce, Child Custody, Spousal Maintenance, Property Division, Adoption, Foreign Spouse Divorce.

Medical Negligence

Assessing & handling claims in respect of negligence involving doctors, nurses and healthcare providers.